Monday, October 26, 2009

Solo Show at the MGC - April 2010

So, now it's time to talk about my upcoming show at the MGC (Manhattan Graphics Center) in New York. I will show recent and "brand new" work in April 2010 in the centers gallery space. This is my second solo show at the MGC. The first one was, I think, in 2005 ... I have to check, but I am pretty sure.
The exact date for the show as well as the opening will be announced as soon as I know them.

I am very excited about the show, and I am planning on having prints in ways I haven't had them before, technique wise. The topic will be one I am working on for a while now. Lots of trees!
I have some surprises planned.

The preparation is starting now and I have so much to do, ... lets see what I come up with. It is going to be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your upcoming solo exhibition at MGC. April 2010 will come fast so I wish you the best of luck and great printing!

